If I Created My Own Points System

Some people really like point systems for weight loss.

If I were to create one, or follow one, I think ideally it would look something like this:

Every time you eat a fruit or a cup or so of veggies, you get a point. Because points should be good, and celebratory of what great things you’re eating.

Maybe you get a half point for finishing that glass of water, hot stuff!

Any time you eat something that comes out of a box, package or bottle, you get a negative point, to be subtracted from your points above.

And you want to try and hit ten points a day. Ten, amazing, celebratory points of awesome, whole foods.

And I bet that if you did this, you wouldn’t even need the celebration of the points because in a short amount of time, your bod would feel awesome.

You’ve got what it takes – within you – to feel extraordinary.

You don’t NEED counting and restriction and limiting and force.

You can use celebration, excitement, growth and self-love to pull yourself forward instead.

And you can start now, or any time you desire.

I swear it’s true,
Holistic Nutritionist

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