What I Love Most About Health

If I had to narrow it down to one single thing what I love MOST about health; what I LOVE seeing in clients, too, as THEY get vibrantly healthy, it’d be this:

How moving forward in any area, begins momentum in ALL areas.

The female founder of The Gerson Institute once said something along the lines of, “with natural health, when you start healing, your WHOLE body starts healing. It’s not just ONE ailment, one medicine, one area of healing; it’s the whole body.”

I find that to be so true, and bigger, as well.

When you take care of YOU, when you start putting YOURSELF first, when you start truly nourishing your bod, you start to feel more awesome.

And you carry that into your job, your relationships, your home life, everything you do.

Your whole life starts to change.

A plant doesn’t grow in one area and die in another.

We thrive fully, or we stop and feel stuck and lose movement and flow.

We move forward, or backward.

Sometimes we stay stuck in moving a tiny bit forward, and a bit back, and a little more forward, and a little more back again.

But it’s great to remember, that while it doesn’t always feel like it, it’s just a set of choices.

Will I improve today?

Will I get closer to my goals today?

Will I work, actually do it, hang out with the fear and pass it on the way by?

Or will I pretend I’m not a human with dreams, with songs in their heart? With goals and aspirations, next steps and hopes, and a desire, from deep within, to grow, improve and love?

You get to choose, Gorgeous.

Neither choice is bad. Both will teach you things.

But being proud that you’ve moved forward, that’s an awesome feeling I wish for everyone.

If you have a goal; running a marathon, training for a funny race, starting to say YES to hikes or supporting your body for bravery and courage to move forward in your business, then let’s chat.

Join a program with me, and let’s get you fired up, with a clear plan, direction, excitement, passion and momentum.

Sometimes all you need is the tiniest nudge, to make the biggest, wildest, most fun changes.

See you on the bright side,
Holistic Nutritionist

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