Fuel or poison?

Fuel or Poison?

You can use your thoughts as fuel, or you can use them as poison.

In the same way your food can fuel you through an entire marathon, or a wicked-ass Tough Mudder event, or make you feel like crap…

Your thoughts and how you deal with other people’s statements ABOUT you and your thoughts, can be used as the utmost fuel, or a wicked, burn-the-entire-way-through poison.

Jack Canfield, the amazing motivational speaker and co-author of The Chicken Soup for the Soul books, once said in a lecture, “if I told this man here, he’s awful and will never find love, will his self-esteem go up, or down?”

The shocked audience (he’s usually so positive!) unanimously voted, “down”.

And he responded back, “yeah, sure, if he’s like most people, and he lets it.”

…Silence. Again. Question marks?

He went on to explain that the voice in YOUR head is the most powerful force, no matter what other people are saying.

He could take in that statement and say to himself, “he’s totally right, I suck. It’s so bad. I haven’t had a relationship in nineteen years…………” and so on.

He could also take that statement, and say to himself, “Wow! He must be *pretty* jealous. *Looks around* I’m the best looking one in the entire room! That totally came out of no where, and he must be having a pretty rough day, taking things out on audience members. I’ll have the most kick ass relationship when I’m ready for it, and until then, I’m quite enjoying this whole dating scene; figuring out what I want, knowing (s)he’s out there, finding someone worthy of my awesome-sauce Self……….” and so on.

I asked someone once about the fear of putting myself out there, and she said, “oh that? I just use it as fuel, HAHAHA, we’re all terrified!”

Until I saw that Jack Canfield speech, I didn’t know the HOW behind fuelling yourself.

The voice in your head is your most powerful ally; if you’re willing to go through the “this-feels-oh-so-stupid” stage of talking yourself up with it.

Then, once you’ve passed that stage, it mostly becomes natural. Until you fumble, and then re-focus it once again on your awesomeness.

Now, why is a Holistic Nutritionist telling you this?

Because people say pretty rude, stupid things sometimes about YOU and YOUR journey to health.

And you have the choice to battle ’em out, and let the comments go (by talking yourself UP until you don’t believe a spec of ’em to be true anymore),


let them sink in, slowly eating away at your confidence, slowly making you judgemental of yourself, until the point that you totally fall off the health bandwagon…

“Oh, you’re trying THAT?”

“Do you REALLY think that’s going to work?”

“That’s an INTERESTING choice in clothing…”

“Really? A salad?….”





“Gosh, what’s HER problem?!” *hair flips and keeps working out*

Your choice.

And if you need help. I’m here for you. Join me in a confidence-boosting program and let’s have some uplifting chats.

Let’s let GO of those wild voices.

And let’s get YOURS, the most powerful one, BACKING you up.

You’ve got this. And you probably always have.

Holistic Nutritionist

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