Why You Need To Claim It.

When I speak to clients, it’s often at the end of the conversation, or part-way through, that they sheepishly admit, “actually, if I could lose ten pounds, too, that would be really nice.” Rarely is it the reason they’ve come to see me. But always do they feel it’s important deep down, and they’d be […]

Healthy On A Budget

Hey guys! Welcome to healthy on a budget, I was feeling a little feisty while writing today, so that *may* have made it’s way into the post 🙂 I get this question a lot, and figured it was time it got an awesome answer, “How can I stay healthy/organic while on a budget?” I come […]

3 Easy Ways To Boost Your Nutrient Intake

Welcome Beautiful! It’s Nathalie here, Holistic Nutritionist and Founder of Glow Nutritional Consulting and I’m super excited to answer this awesome question I got a few days ago, “how can I boost nutrients in my diet?” This is one of my favourite topics, because I know how easily deficiencies can pop up, and just how many […]

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